Early Help


Early Help is a key part of delivering frontline services to children and young people and their families. All professionals working with families in Liverpool have a role to play.

The Early Help Assessment Tool (EHAT) is the tool used to gather information and identify both strengths and current needs or worries. By gathering information and identifying where any further support is needed, agencies and the family can work together to develop a Family Plan.

The Family Plan helps all agencies to work together to coordinate support. Regular Team Around the Family meetings help everyone keep track of the support and make sure that the focus remains on helping the family.

Early Help is about:

  • Identifying needs of children, young people and their families
  • Understanding and responding quickly to any identified needs.
  • Making sure children, young people and their families feel listened to and feel that their views are informing what happens next.
  • Supporting and re-focusing resources from crisis to prevention, and helping to avoid concerns repeating over time.
  • Supporting families to achieve their full potential and thereby mitigate the impact of issues such as child poverty and health inequalities.
  • Providing the context for multi-agency working to help children and families achieve improved outcomes.

The Family Information and SEND Directory provides a range of information about services and events for parents/carers, young people and children.

Further information about Early Help, completing an Early Help Assessment (EHAT) or making an Early Help Referral can be found HERE

Training and Support for Professionals

All professionals have a shared responsibility to support families through Early Help. There is a range of training and support available for professionals to make sure that everyone understands the local Levels of Need framework and knows when and how to complete an Early Help Assessment (EHAT).

To attend 'An Introduction to Early Help' training click HERE

To join the Early Help Practice Forum and received up to date information, advice and support with other professionals click HERE


Further information including access to documentation and Training can be found Here

Early Help Hub – South

Telephone: 0151 233 4447

E-mail: EHLHsouth@liverpool.gov.uk

Early Help Hub – Central

Telephone: 0151 233 6152

E-mail: EHLHcentral@liverpool.gov.uk

Early Help Hub – North

Telephone: 0151 233 3637

E-mail: EHLHnorth@liverpool.gov.uk