Early Help in Liverpool
In Liverpool we have implemented a locality hub model creating multi-disciplinary teams at our North, South and Central Early Help Hubs.
Each Hub consists of experienced social work team managers, consultant and therapeutic social workers, outreach workers, and other practitioners from across the partnership.
In addition to providing direct support to families informed by robust assessment, analysis and planning, the hubs provide guidance, advice and support to front line practitioners. We have implemented a clear step down pathway from Children’s Social Care.
Follow this link to find out more about the Levels of Need, the services available, and how and when to register a early help assessment or make an early help referral.
For further advice when working with a family contact:
Early Help Hub – South
Telephone: 0151 233 4447
E-mail: EHLHsouth@liverpool.gov.uk
Early Help Hub – Central
Telephone: 0151 233 6152
E-mail: EHLHcentral@liverpool.gov.uk
Early Help Hub – North
Telephone: 0151 233 3637
E-mail: EHLHnorth@liverpool.gov.uk