LSCP Learning, Practice & Workforce Development Group
Chair: Niccie Jones - LSCP Training & Workforce Development Coordinator
Provide a coordinated multi-agency approach to workforce development that facilitates effective practice through the communication and embedding of learning and improvement.
The role of the Learning, Practice & Workforce Development subgroup is to:
- Understand through TNA assurance scoping and a gap analysis the training needs of all partner agency's.
- Oversee the development, commissioning and delivery of interagency training in line with national and local priorities.
- Develop and co-ordinate a collaborative and consistent approach to disseminating and embedding learning that enables the multi-agency workforce to develop the requisite knowledge, skills and abilities to support effective and safe practice.
- Monitor the impact of workforce development training on professional practice.
The Learning, Practice & Workforce Development is accountable to the LSCP Executive. The group will work closely with the Pan-Merseyside Training and Workforce Development Group to ensure that the Liverpool LSCP annual training schedule and timetable of learning events is in line with all other Pan Mersey LSCP's. The groups will also work in collaboration to develop training and learning resources that meets and compliments Pan Mersey Training requirements. All learning and development activity will be prompted by national activity, local safeguarding priorities and findings from performance/case reviews. Evaluation and findings from workforce development activities will be fed into the LSCP Executive and LSCP Forum on a quarterly basis.
- Undertake an annual multi-agency TNA assurance scoping activity and a gap analysis of all partner agencies.
- Produce an annual multi-agency training schedule and timetable of learning activity in response to the LSCP annual priorities.
- Evaluate and report on workforce development activities to the LSCP Executive on a quarterly basis.
Meeting Arrangements
All meetings will have representation, delegated or otherwise, from multi-agency partners in particular representation is required from the Safeguarding Partners – Merseyside Police, Liverpool Local Authority and Liverpool Cheshire and Merseyside Integrated Care Board.
Frequency - Meetings will be convened on a quarterly basis