Attending a Course

Attending a course – What you need to know 

Start Times

Start times may vary, please see the course description for actual start time. Participants should arrive at the venue 15 minutes before the course start time to be at and ready to start at the stated time.

If attending a virtual training session, please log in at least 5 minutes prior to start time in order to check equipment working correctly and join with camera on and audio muted please?

Late arrival / early departure

We understand that unavoidable circumstances may mean that a participant is late for a course or needs to leave early. If you know in advance that this may be an issue for you please contact a member of the LSCP Training Team to discuss. The LSCP Training Facilitator has the right to refuse a place to a participant if they will miss a significant section of the session. If a participant is held up on the way to a course it would be appreciated if they could contact the LSCP Training Coordinator to inform them, who will in turn inform the trainers.

Signing In

A register is kept for all training both virtual and face to face.

Participants are required to sign the sheet provided at the start of a course. Failure to do so may result in a participant not being issues with a certificate. If a delegate arrives without initially making a booking, the trainer has the right to request that the person does not stay for the course. However as this is not ideal for preparation for the venue or trainer, we will always do our best to accommodate but this cannot be guaranteed. Securing bookings prior to the event is always advisable.


All participants on LSCP courses will receive a Certificate of Attendance, however, the trainer reserves the right not to issue certificates to people who do not attend for a full day, or are deemed not to have fully participated in the session. All certificates are emailed automatically to participants following attendance at the training session and upon completion of the post course evaluation form - NB: you have 10 days to complete the evaluation form, following this time you will not be issued with a certificate and copies of certificates are not provided, please keep your certificate in a safe place. You can also access certificates for all completed courses within your account on the booking system.


Participants will be asked to complete an evaluation at the end of a session before leaving. This information will be used to inform future training, including updating materials, changing course content and venue choice. In addition, participants may also be sent a Post Evaluation form or request to complete a short survey online within the following year to enable you and us to gauge learning impact. This should be completed with your line manager within supervision.


We currently do not charge for non-attendance, however, this may be subject to change and is dependent upon the course. you will be advised when booking if this policy is being enforced in which case the levels of charge are;

  • £50 for a half day training
  • £100 for a full day training

If a participant fails to attend for circumstances which were avoidable, their Line Manager will be contacted. All charges recuperated will be directed back into the training budget.

Refreshments / Lunch

In order to allow the LSCP to provide free places on courses we do not provide lunch for participants. Lunch is to be purchased from local amenities located a short distance from the training venue. Trainers will inform participants of local facilities at the start of a day. Participants are also welcome to bring their own lunch. The LSCP will provide tea, coffee on all courses.

Additional Learning Requirements

Should you have any additional requirements which would make your learning and participation on a course better, please inform us of this on your booking form. We will make every effort to meet these needs, and if this is not possible we will contact you to discuss.

Course materials

All participants should review the information provided on the Training Booking System in relation to pre course reading /handout information (if applicable to their course). It is the responsibility of participants to print any participant packs and bring them to the coursetrainers will not bring spare copies. Please ensure you take time to complete the pre-reading (where indicated) prior to the event to that ensure you are able to fully participate.

Website created by: Taylorfitch