
Parents want to be sure that their children are safe from harm at all times and it must be extremely worrying to fingcout that a child believes they are being bullied.

Here is some information which you may find useful and helpful.

Symptoms of Bullying which you may notice at home...

  • Bed wetting, Bite marks, Bruises, Eating disorders, Eczema, Headaches, Insomnia.
  • Pencil jab marks, Reluctance to attend school, Self harm, Scratches, Stress.
  • Truancy, Tummy aches, Vomiting.

What You Can Do If you suspect that your child may be being bullied:

  • Talk to your child – ask them how they are – if there is anything worrying them.
  • If they report an incident – write it down.
  • Has this happened before?
  • It is very important they know that it is not their fault.
  • If it happened at school – tell your child’s teacher.
  • Keep a record.
  • Encourage your child to tell someone straight away.

If you believe your child is being bullied at school, it is very important to keep school informed of any incidents so that they can deal with the situation effectively.

If, after speaking to your child’s teacher and allowing time for actions to be taken, you are not satisfied with the way the matter was dealt with, contact the head teacher and arrange a meeting. The head teacher should investigate the matter and action should be taken.

However, if after speaking with the Head Teacher you are still not satisfied with the outcome and you still feel your child is being bullied, your next action should be to contact the chair of governors and ask them to investigate.

Parents/Carers Responsibilities

As well as making sure school are alerted to any concerns you may have, you should also be actively discouraging your child from participating in any behaviour which could be construed as bullying behaviour.

Responsibilities of the School

  • Make time for parents.
  • Have an up-to-date anti-bullying policy which parents can see.
  • Keep accurate and up to date records.
  • Develop strategies to promote a positive ethos.

Download Information for Parents and Carers: Bullying (PDF)

Useful Link:

The Hideout - Women's Aid have created this space to help children and young people to understand domestic abuse, and how to take positive action.

Website created by: Taylorfitch