Introduction - Family Safeguarding Model (FSM)

Introduction and Context:

This Model of Practice Framework, in line with Liverpool City Council – Children and Young People’s services Workforce Development Strategy, recognises that the children’s workforce is our biggest asset and critical to achieving our ambitious plans for improving outcomes for children, young people and their networks.

Our focus in practice will be building relationships, enabling and supporting change for families, and promoting children and young people’s wellbeing and development.  We believe we can achieve this by working alongside children, young people and their networks honestly and collaboratively.

Our mission is to advance excellence in practice by providing leadership, ensuring quality, developing learning and strengthening service capacity so that local based sufficiency matches need.

Why is it important to have a Model of Practice Framework:

Having a Model of Practice Framework provides a common language to communicate across all teams in the service and it enables the workforce to have the opportunity to explore the theories, approaches and models that shape the way we work.

Having a well-developed Model of Practice Framework enables everyone to understand how we go about doing the right things in the right way, for the right reasons and at the right time.

Vision and Ambition

Our Vision is that we will deliver good outcomes for children, young people and their networks through the provision of professionally compassionate, curious and evidence-based practice that is outcome focused.

Our Ambition is for all children and young people in the City of Liverpool to lead fulfilling lives where they are happy, healthy, confident and safe. We will work in partnership to remove barriers to achievement and narrow the gap so that everyone can reach their potential.

What is the Children and Young People’s Services Model of Practice Framework:

Our Model of Practice Framework approach overarches all areas of Children and Young People’s Services from universal to specialist/targeted, ensuring that children, young people and their networks needs are responded to at the right level, at the right time with the right resource and skills. 

The Model of Practice Framework will have four main areas of focus:


Engagement with Partners:

To achieve our Model of Practice Framework objectives of providing a common understanding across the Children and Young People’s Services in terms of delivery, it is imperative that this framework is well understood by partners so that these principles can be embedded across all services. Partner briefings and an accessible training offer will be widely shared in order that partners and wider professionals understand and promote the principles as we embed the proposed approach.

Success Criteria 

The progress and impact of the Model of Practice Framework will be monitored and assessed against a range of quantitative and qualitative measures in line with our Vision and Ambition.

How will we know we have made a difference:

  • Children and young people are with the right service at the right time.
  • There is clear evidence that our children, young people and their networks are working with practitioners, collaborative plans are being completed that are understandable to all and networks feel involved in their support.
  • Increase in family networks being fully explored and utilised
  • Children and young people are clearly visible, their views, wishes and feelings are reflected in all aspects of service involvement.
  • Children, young people and families have improved resilience with less re requests into services for the same support.


Consultation will take place with the holistic workforce, children, young people and their networks to create a ‘strap line’ and ‘branding’ which will be associated with the Model of Practice Framework.

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