Being in Care

Our Mission Statement

Children and young people in the care of The Liverpool City Council deserve and expect to be treated with dignity, respect and fairness at all times, but more especially through times of emotional and physical need.

What about me?

What about me, what about me
You took me off my family
To be the best I can be.

What about me ,what about me
I want to see my family
I want them close to me

I’m sitting in this room
I don’t know what to say
They are all pointing the finger
Mostly at my dad Ray

Please, please let me talk
I want to see mummy and daddy
Or I promise you I will walk.

Everyone is always telling me
This is for the best
I don’t know what to do
I just need to get this off my chest.

Social workers, teacher’s nurses and parents too,
Support workers foster carers, supervising social
workers and principal officers too.
This poem is for you
EH maybe next time think about what we’re going through.

Politicians' Pledge

All councillors are Corporate Parents and have a legal responsibility to fulfill that role during their period of office. As Councillors on Liverpool City Council, we are pleased to be able to be Corporate Parents for our looked after children not because we have to but because we want to.

The Liverpool Children in Care Council (for more information about the Children in Care Council, see CICC Constitution - below) recognises that Councillors have many roles to fulfill within the council and that being a corporate parent is one of those roles.  However, Looked After Children (Children in Care) are a big part of our community and need appropriate recognition. The CICC will offer many opportunities to Liverpool’s Looked After Children and enable them to have an effective voice within the council and with partners of the council. The Children in Care Council therefore asks all the councillors on Liverpool City Council to commit to the CICC because:

  1. It is important that children and young people have a voice
  2. It is important that all our children and young people are listened to and serious consideration is given to what they have to say

All Councillors are asked to sign this pledge as it is vitally important that our children in care who are part of the future of Liverpool have confidence in them as their elected representatives and be proud of Liverpool and all it represents.

CICC Constitution

The Liverpool Children in Care Council work together to promote the views, values and opinions of looked after children and young people both individually and collectively by developing a culture within Social Care which actively involves children and young people in the planning and decision making processes on matters that affect their individual lives and collectively by having input at strategic level to the design delivery and evaluation of the services provided to them by Liverpool City Council.

To find out more, Click Here. (PDF)

Directors Promise

The Directors 10 promises is a set of 10 promises made to children in care from the Director of Liverpool Children's Services. The promises where responded to by the Liverpool Children in Care Council with a set of 10 responses; these promises are updated yearly and are due to be updated in the near future.

Download a copy of the Directors 10 promises (PDF)

Children's Rights Director (England)

The Children's Rights Director for England is Roger Morgan; his job is to ask children and young people in care for their views about their rights, welfare and how they are being cared for in England.

To find out more, go to his website (opens in new window)

You can also download one of his reports here (PDF)

Website created by: Taylorfitch