Abuse: What is Abuse?

Being mistreated or abused (sometimes called ‘Significant Harm') is defined as Sexual Abuse, Physical Abuse, Neglect or Emotional Abuse.

physical Physical Abuse
When an adult deliberately hurts a child, such as hitting, shaking, throwing, poisoning, burning, drowning or suffocating.
emotional abuse Emotional Abuse
This would happen, for instance, when a child is all the time being unfairly blamed for everything, or told they are stupid and made to feel unhappy.
neglect Neglect
Where a child is not being looked after properly, for example, not getting enough to eat or being left alone in dangerous situations.
sexual abuse Sexual Abuse
An examples of sexual abuse would be where a child has been forced to take part in sexual activities or in the taking of rude photos.
bullying Bullying
E.g. calling names, damaging property, stealing, spreading rumours, cyberbullying, hurting, getting people into trouble, See Bullying.
domestic violence Domestic Violence
When one adult in a family or relationship threatens, bullies or hurts another adult e.g. physically, psychologically, emotionally, sexually or financially.

Website created by: Taylorfitch