Liverpool Safeguarding Children Partnership

Independent Chair : Position presently vacant 

The LSCP Executive provide strategic leadership, direction and governance for the delivery of safeguarding arrangements in Liverpool through equal and joint responsibility.


The Liverpool Safeguarding Children Partnership is accountable to the Liverpool Health and Wellbeing Board for the delivery against statutory and local requirements and provide the overarching leadership, strategy and governance framework for the multi-agency safeguarding arrangements.


Membership of the Liverpool Safeguarding Children Partnership is compliant with the requirements as set out in the Working Together to Safeguard Child document.

*Other officers or representatives of agencies are invited to attend LSCP executive meetings relevant to agendas.


  • Corporate Director of Children's Services
  • Detective Inspector, Merseyside Police 
  • Associate Director of Quality and Safety Improvement Liverpool Place, ICB
  • Director of Education


Quorum of the LSCP Executive is achieved where the Local Authority, Cheshire & Merseyside ICB - Liverpool Place (ICB), Merseyside Police and Education are present.  If at any time there is not a quorum present, the meeting shall not proceed.


LSCP members represent their agency and have sufficient authority to make decisions on their agency's behalf:

  • speak for their organisation
  • commit the organisation to policy and practice matters
  • commit to financial discussion or recommendations
  • hold their organisation to account.

Members have a strategic role in relation to safeguarding and promoting welfare of children within their organisation.
Members undertake responsibilities in accordance with the LSCP partnership agreement.
(If the responsibility to attend has been delegated to a named officer, then the nature of the delegation has to be agreed by the chair of LSCP.)

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