WTSC - Learning from Reviews

This course is part of the Working Together to Safeguard Children Training (WTSC)

This half day session aims to share the learning, key themes and findings arising from our local Liverpool case reviews.

We will take you through a series of quick learning sessions, to allow time to listen to the families story and provide opportunity to reflection.

The aims is to enable you to listen to the story with an open mind, we are not apportioning blame or criticism on anyone either the families or the practitioners involved. This is not about finding fault, this is about learning from what happened and reflecting on how we work together.

NB: Please note this training will be delivered in person. This venue is an accessible space.

The waiting list for each date will not automatically transfer to future dates - new bookings will need to be made per course date.

All cancellations need to be made at least 7 working days prior to the training date. Any late cancellations or DNA's may be charged £50.

Please contact LSCPTraining@liverpool.gov.uk if you have any problems with connecting to this course.

The 7 courses that belong to this tier are:

WTSC - Introduction to the Early Help Assessment for Partner Agencies

WTSC - Responsibilities when attending Child Protection Conferences

WTSC - Information Sharing, Quality Referrals & Case Recording

WTSC - Learning from Reviews

WTSC - MA Escalation & Resolution Procedure

WTSC - Professional Curiosity & Challenge

WTSC - Voice & Lived Experience of the Child

To meet the competence criteria for 'Working Together' all courses should be completed. However, if this tier has been made mandatory by your organisation, it is up to your management to indicate which of the 7 courses you need to complete if not all 7 sessions are required. It is the responsibility of each single organisation to ensure that all relevant staff members complete the required courses agreed.


March 2025

Date Time Duration Location Places Available  
28/03/2025 09:30-13:00 1 Day Alt Valley Communiveristy 10 Book

June 2025

Date Time Duration Location Places Available  
04/06/2025 13:00-16:00 0 Days Alt Valley Communiveristy 27 Book