Local Authority Designated Officer - LADO
Local Authority Designated Officer - LADO
This 2 hour virtual training session will provide staff;
- an awareness of local procedures for managing allegations against adults who work with or on behalf of children and young people.
- to understand the roles & responsibilities of key persons involved in the LADO process.
- to understand how the process supports the development of a safer workforce.
- provides an understand the implications of implementing this statutory guidance within their organisation.
- opportunity to explore the updates within the latest Education Guidance 2020 - Keeping Children Safe in Education.
Please note this training will be delivered virtually - A Microsoft Teams invitation will be sent to you approximately 2 days before.
The waiting list for each date will not automatically transfer to future dates - new bookings will need to be made per course date.
All cancellations need to be made at least 7 working days prior to the training date. Any late cancellations or DNA's may be charged £50.
There are currently no dates for this event.